The spuds are go - which is a relief as we thought we'd got them in too late. Now to keep on top of the earthing up regime.
The London Pippin seems to like its new home - we snipped off the fruit as we want it to spend its energy in growing taller.
buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris
speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria
a hover fly, sun fly(?), Helophilus pendulus
We aren't sure we liked the green of the new pond liner. We'd convinced ourselves that it wouldn't be too aesthetically jarring since the Barbican elects to dye the waters of their lake green (rather than black) to reduce algal growth and we ♥ the Barbican water features. One thing we noticed immediately is that it is so much easier to see the pond critters against the green - we're totting this up as a good thing. Our verdict is still out.
♥ Tadpoles! ♥
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