Sunday, 25 May 2014

Progress Report

We potted up our Brian Hood pail with Mrs Pollock as she was a little of what we fancied.

We took the snips to the parsnips and snipped off the leaves riddled with celery-leaf miner.

"Off with their heads!" We snipped the tops off the broad beans,snip, snip, in the hope of thwarting the black fly.

We snipped the leaders of the 'Old Fashioned' to promote side shoots.

We planted the last of the beans: 'Bob and Mary' a climbing bean and our lucky dip 'Snake' dwarf bean.

All the while this crab spider (?), Philodromus albidus (?) marked our every move.

We rigged up this trellis to support our 'Agnes' cucumber plants. We're not sure it's quite right. For starters, it looks clunky; perhaps we should have used string. Cucumbers are a first for us, inspired by our Hastings friends we're planning to try our hand at pickling gherkins, fingers crossed. The planting was a bit of an after-thought and the cucumbers may well be swamped by the two courgettes that are already established. Time will tell.

Here is an update on how our garden grows:

The first of the 'Kelvedon Wonders' are rambling, the perforated 'Purple Top Milan' are persevering.

The bean bed
The root bed

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