The raspberries are swelling and colouring up and we'd not yet got them tied and netted. Any day soon we knew we'd come home to find them stripped, all the fruit nicked by the starveling starlings and the squirrels. There was nothing to do but to get on with building that frame we'd been planning for oh, so long.
It was a struggle in the overgrown, confined space. We got hot and bothered, we swore a few expletives, we snapped a few fruit laden canes in our endeavours, oh tragedy. Still, 'tis done, things WILL be better next year.
A disgruntled Garden Tiger; we moved it out of harms way for the duration of the frame building works. ♥ It's so fluffy! ♥
We spotted a two-spot :)
Yes, sadly those are the misshapen leaves of our plum, it has pocket plum disease, aaaarghhh. What to do?