Friday, 18 April 2014

General Busyness

A poor snap, but proof enough that the bird box is home to another Blue tit family :)

Whilst the Blue tits to-ed and fro-ed, I scrubbed out the tomato pots and planted the Orange Peruche and Golden Sunrise tomato plants we purchased from the Capel Manor shop.

I dug in the Red Dukes we'd been chitting in the cupboard under the stairs.

An opportunistic Robin made off with a prize worm for its chicks...

...whilst a Blackbird kept its beady-eye out for readymeals for its broodlings too.

I strung together this sweet pea wigwam from the plum tree prunings and sowed a potful of Old Fashioned...

... and Tubby Tabby snoozed, and snoozed, and snoozed in the shade of the newly installed pea trellis.

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