The bucketing rains and the great plague of slugs have proved too much for our tomatoes so they are not looking their best.
The Costoluto Genovese are delicious and have a rich, vibrant colour all the way through which looks good on the plate. Though we didn't get many on the vine, we would grow these again but probably not next year.
The Tigerella are nearly over, the plant was high yielding and no trouble at all. We're glad we tried them, they're good looking though their striping was more subtle than we anticipated. The fruit was tasty but not remarkably so, perhaps this was down to the amount of rain and their relatively small size.
We are finally picking the ♥ Zapotec Pleated ♥, the slugs love them however we love them more so we'll be growing them again next year. We love eating them in great doorstep slices, sprinkled with a little sea salt and cracked Kampot pepper. Next year we'll take the time to construct a trussed frame support, the fruit are heavy and the plant sprawling, our futile single cane supports snapped in the winds - a lesson learnt.