Biotecture's green wall, Goods Way, Kings Cross looking luv'ly this spring.
We are everywhere surrounded by the sustained proliferation of fryscrapers by sclerotic architect/developer juggernauts, their futuristic visions museum-vitrine-cased arrogance, their creative talents an atrophied veneer to miserly property speculators' avarice. London's burning and they are hell-bent on further stoking the heat island.
We denizens of ye bricked and asphalted London boroughs, are heartened by genuine attempts to develop technologies and strategies to overcome climate challenges and improve the living experience of the 8.6m of us.
We ♥ living walls because they act as thermal insulators, reducing the need for air-conditioning/heating thereby reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, release of greenhouse gas emissions and associated damage to habitat and pollution of the environment. They provide habitat for urban flora and fauna. The plants act as acoustic dampers and improve air quality, they look good and mark the of passing seasons - what is not to love?