Sunday, 23 February 2014

Orchids at Kew

A trip to Kew for some much needed cheer. We didn't take a picture of the display in the front entrance where they'd strung magnifying glasses amongst the orchids for sale. However, one of our favourite moments of the show was inspecting the blooms at x10. Pity they didn't hang magnifying glasses in the hothouse.

Still, the displays and exotic critters didn't disappoint.

We also got to see some other seasonal wonders like this Brownea Grandiceps that otherwise might have been missed.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

National Nest Box Week

Well it survived last night's gales! This bird house has been home to Blue Tit families every springtime since we put it up nigh on a decade ago. We hope its new position won't put off this year's prospective occupants.

National Nest Box Week

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Galloping Galanthophiles

Galanthus nivalis under the medlar tree.

The snow drop theatre at Chelsea Physic Garden today.